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可以生产多种产品的MDS Korea, 通过外餐行业的认真的行业分析和趋势调查,拥有多种技术秘诀并进行利用其外餐事业。

利用MDS Korea具有的的特点,以高质量的味道和舒适的快乐,与顾客直接相遇而努力。目前,经营折扣商店内的沙拉美人优质沙拉吧。
Salad miin Salad Bar
It is a brand for takeout allowing you to enjoy various dishes of hotel and high-class restaurants.

By benchmarking Rockfield operating RF1, Japanese representative high-class HMR brand, the menu is organized with salad, fashionable dessert, Range Deli, etc.

At present as entering retail stores, customers’ interest is growing steadily and the demand is increasing continuously. From now on, we plan to open road shops and operate various businesses. .